12th Annual AFA Meeting
Hiden Isochema will be exhibiting at the 12th Annual Association Française de l’Adsorption (AFA) meeting , to be held in Nancy, France, from 26th to 27th January 2023.
The Association Française de l’Adsorption (AFA) is a learned society which aims to promote the advancement of experimental , numerical and theoretical methods in the fields of adsorption from liquid or gaseous phases , on solid surfaces or in porous materials . The AFA brings together the French- speaking community working on these subjects without restriction on the type or state of adsorbed or confined molecules (gases, liquids, ions, biomolecules, etc.) or the type of “host” materials(organic, inorganic or hybrid synthetic materials, natural porous media, etc.) and also taking into account the dynamic and transport aspects . By facilitating scientific and technical exchanges between its members, the AFA aims to promote the coordination of research between the various fundamental or applied research laboratories belonging to public or private bodies, both in France and abroad. The AFA is a member association of the French Federation of Materials.
For more information please visit the conference website, and to request further information on any of our products please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Application Scientists!