15th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC15)
Hiden Isochema is proud to sponsor the 15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15), 12th – 15th July 2021. The meeting is the flagship event for the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Materials Chemistry division, and has been a key meeting in the materials calendar for two decades.
The 2021 conference will host some of the leading materials researchers from around the world and promises to be a great forum for materials chemists to network with and build strong collaborations within their community and related disciplines.
For MC15 there are four main themes, listed below, and underlying the whole conference is an emphasis on sustainability in chemistry throughout the materials lifecycle.
Materials for a changing future
Encompassing all aspects of materials chemistry relating to responsive / ‘smart’ systems, hybrid bio/organic/inorganic materials, electronic and magnetic materials, evolving properties and artificial intelligence/computational materials systems.
Materials for design and development
Encompassing all aspects of materials chemistry critical to the design and development of sustainable processes, foundation industries and environmental applications, including new magneto- solar and thermoelectrics, optics, nanostructures and polymers.
Materials for energy
Encompassing all aspects of materials chemistry related to energy generation, conversion and storage, including Li-ion batteries and beyond (Li-metal anodes, solid-state, Na-ion…); emerging solar cell technologies, photo/electrocatalysis and solar fuel generation, fuel cells.
Materials for life
Encompassing all aspects of materials chemistry related to biological or medical applications, biomimetic and bioinspired materials, and new ‘biohybrid’ systems.
Hiden Isochema will be hosting a virtual booth throughout the event.
To find out more and to register, visit the RSC website here.