Hiden exhibiting at FEZA 2021 ‘virtual’
Hiden Isochema is excited to be exhibiting at the 8th Conference of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA 2021) which is going virtual this year.
The event, which runs from 5th to 9th July, is organized by the British Zeolite Association, the Federation of European Zeolite Associations and the Royal Society of Chemistry Porous Materials Interest Group.
Dr Darren Broom, Product Manager for Hiden Isochema, will also be presenting a poster entitled ‘Measuring binary gas adsorption equilibria using the Integral Mass Balance (IMB) method’. The poster describes our new IMB method for measuring multicomponent gas adsorption and presents binary N2/O2 adsorption data on zeolite 5A, used to validate the technique.
The conference will cover a fascinating array of topics from fundamental science to advanced applications of a range of porous materials including:
- Zeolites
- Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
- Porous Polymers
- Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)
- Porous Carbons
- Porous Silicas
- Porous Organic Cages
- AlPOs and other Zeotypes
Specific Topics of interest include:
- Development of new synthetic methods and post-synthetic modification
- Physical properties of materials and the role of defects
- Advanced characterization and operando spectroscopies
- Stimuli responsive behaviour and emerging properties
- Catalytic properties
- Gas Adsorption, storage and separation
- Biomedical applications
- Ion exchange and other applications
- Industry discussions
- Computational prediction, verification and screening
Visit www.fezaconference.org for more details and to register.