Hiden to attend AIChE annual meeting 2019
The 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting “Transforming the Future through Chemical Engineering” will be held in Orlando, USA, from 10-15 November 2019
The AIChE Annual Meeting is the premier educational forum for chemical engineers interested in innovation and professional growth. Academic and industry experts will cover a wide range of topics relevant to cutting-edge research, new technologies, and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering.
In addition to programming from 22 of AIChE’s divisions and forums, the 2019 Annual Meeting will feature the following innovative Topical Conferences:
- Applications of Data Science to Molecules and Materials
- Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization R&D
- Ammonia Energy
- Chemical Engineers in Medicine
- Concentrated Solar Energy for Power Generation and Chemical Processing
- Entrepreneurship in Chemical Engineering – Sponsored by CIEE
- Food Innovation and Engineering
- Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment
- Microbes at Biomedical Interfaces
- Next-Gen Manufacturing
- Sensors
- Synthetic & Renewable Fuels
Work by Professor Orhan Talu, Dr Mike Benham and Dr Darren Broom, entitled “A new technique to measure multicomponent adsorption equilibrium: Integral mass balance (IMB) and will be presented in the separations division, experimental methods in adsorption session on Wednesday 13th November 4.10-4.30pm.
Hiden Isochema will also be exhibiting at the meeting so join us there at booth 116!
For more information or to register visit the conference website.