Hiden to attend APS @FIP conference 2018
The APS@FIP conference in 2018 will be held in Glasgow on 7th September, and links with the 78th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science conference which will take place in the city from the 2nd-6th September.
The one day APS conference will have its usual focus on the pharmaceutical sciences with the theme and session have been selected to fit in with the two of the topics of the FIP conference:
- From bench to bedside: Advancing pharmaceutical care
- Targeting special interests
The theme of the conference in 2018 is “The Science of Differentiated Medicines” and will include sessions on:
- Age-related medicines
- Medicines and diagnostics for the developing world
- Targeted therapies
- Medicines for specialised populations
The conference will delve into the science which underpins targeting therapies for cancer, formulations for paediatric and geriatric medicines, and the innovation required to develop and deliver healthcare solutions for the poorest countries in the world.
Hiden Isochema will be exhibiting at the event so join us there!
For more information or to register visit the conference website.