Hiden to attend MH2018
The 16th international symposium of Metal- Hydrogen Systems (MH2018) will be held in Guangzhou, China from 28th Oct- 2nd Nov.
The world largest conference on hydrogen interaction with materials “The 16th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems MH2018” will be held in Guangzhou, China from 28th Oct- 2nd Nov. The conference takes place every two years and this year is being organised by South China University of Technology (SCUT).
450 participants are expected including the world leading experts in the field. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the newest development in science and applications and to meet the scientists paving the future and to interact with potential future collaborators.
Topics include the latest advances in both the fundamental science of metal-hydrogen systems and their applications in a variety of areas – in particular hydrogen storage systems for renewable energy devices.
For more information or to register visit the conference website.
Hiden Isochema will be exhibiting at the meeting so join us there.