Hiden to exhibit at Faraday Discussion 2021
Hiden Isochema will be exhibiting at the Royal Society of Chemistry ‘MOFs for energy and the environment’ Faraday Discussion online event, from 23-25 June 2021.
This meeting is for established scientists, post-graduate students and industrial researchers interested in area of metal-organic framework (MOF) and related materials. Given the recent developments in this interdisciplinary field, including the emergence of MOFs whose applications and functional properties has led to their commercialisation, the unique format of the Faraday Discussions will allow for in-depth discussions and opportunities to establish new collaborations.
The Faraday Division have been organizing Faraday Discussions for over 100 years. Faraday Discussions have a unique format where most of the meeting is devoted to discussing the research papers distributed in advance by the speakers. Everyone contributes to the discussion – including presenting their own relevant research.
The meetings themes include:
- Fundamental studies and design of MOFs
- Applications of MOFs
- Theory and modelling of MOFs
- Commercialisation of MOFs
Both a record of the discussions that take place and the research papers themselves are published in the journal Faraday Discussions.
Visit the Royal Society of Chemistry conference website for more details.