Join Hiden at UKPorMat 2023!
Dr Darren Broom and Dr Mark Roper from Hiden Isochema will be exhibiting at 6th Annual UKPorMat Conference, Sheffield, 19th-20th June 2023. The event is the RSC porous materials interest group’s annual UK conference.
The field of porous materials has, in the past 20 years, undergone a renaissance. Some of the materials classes which are included within this field include Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Covalent Organic Frameworks, Porous Organic Cages, Porous Polymers, Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity and Zeolites. The field is continuing to expand. For example, the number of reported compounds of each continue to grow, and, in the MOF field alone, over 100,000 structures now exist in the Cambridge Structural Database. We conservatively estimate that >500 undergraduate, postgraduate, and postdoctoral researchers are currently active in the field within the UK across over 50 research groups.
Hiden Isochema instruments have been used extensively to study the adsorption properties of zeolites, MOFs, and other nanoporous materials. Speak to one of our application specialists to learn more. Visit the conference website to learn more about the event.