Hiden to Exhibit at Pharmsci 2017
The 8th APS International Pharmsci Conference
APS International PharmSci is the leading UK Pharmaceutical Science conference. Now in its 8th year, the conference returns to the De Havilland Campus of the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield with the theme ‘Pharmaceutical Science Without Borders’.
The APS is pleased to announce Professor Abdul Basit as this year’s Conference Science Chair.
“I am delighted to be Chairing the 8th APS International PharmSci Conference 2017 at the University of Hertfordshire, where our focus this year is Pharmaceutical Science without Borders. Pharmaceutical science transcends a multitude of borders – it is very much an international field, collaborative in nature and underpins medicines development. The healthcare challenges we face today are global, and cannot be addressed in isolation. Our aim in this conference is to connect, empower and inspire those of you across the pharmaceutical sciences sector and beyond; to broaden your research goals and horizons alongside showcasing pragmatic approaches to troubleshooting/problem-solving in the pharmaceutical sciences. I look forward to welcoming you to what will no doubt be a fascinating and intellectually stimulating event.”
The Conference will include plenary speakers, award lectures and parallel science sessions. The conference exhibition will run in parallel with the poster sessions, which have attracted well over 300 posters in previous years.
For more information or to register visit the APS conference website.
Contact us if you would like to pre-arrange a meeting at the event or would like more information on any of our products and services.