Hiden Isochema exhibiting at MOF2022 in Dresden
We are excited to be exhibiting at the 8th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds, MOF2022. The conference will be held in Dresden, Germany and runs from 4th to 7th September 2022.
Hiden Isochema have a history of supporting the MOF conference series, dating back to the first event, MOF2008 in Augsburg. We are delighted to see the MOF conference return to a physical event after MOF2020web, and to see the MOF conference series return to Europe for the first time since MOF2012 in Edinburgh.
MOF2022 is the flagship event for both academic and industrial MOF scientists, and focusses on fundamental science and engineered uses of metal-organic frameworks (MOF), covalent organic frameworks (COF), porous coordination polymers and other nanoporous materials. Underlying the wide ranging nature of the conference, the theme for 2022 is “Materials, Processes and Functions: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications”.
To find out more about how Hiden Isochema’s products including our gravimetric, manometric and breakthrough gas and vapor sorption analyzers can help with your porous materials characterization needs, please speak to our application scientists at our exhibition booth, or contact us directly.