Participation at NAMS 2020 online
We were proud to continue our sponsorship of the North American Membrane Society, NAMS, Annual Meetings this year. As with many conferences in recent months, the 29th NAMS Annual Meeting, planned to be held in Tempe, AZ, was unable to go ahead, but the NAMS committee organized a totally on-line conference which ran from 18th to 21st May 2020.
Hiden Isochema were delighted to both sponsor and participate in NAMS2020 online. Thanks to the hard work of conference chairs Manish Kumar (The University of Texas at Austin) and Mary Laura Lind (Arizona State University) and their army of mainly student volunteer hosts, the meeting was very successful with more than 635 participants from academia and industry drawn from 23 countries across the globe. The standard of presentations was set by an excellent and challenging plenary from Prof. David Sholl (Georgia Tech) on data reproducibility, before the conference split into five parallel sessions for the remainder of the meeting. Sessions included Carbon Capture, Polymeric and Mixed-Materials for Gas Separation, and Microporous and Catalytic Membranes.
150 interactive posters were presented in sessions focussed on Materials, Processes and Applications. Hiden Isochema were represented by Dr. Mark Roper, who presented a poster entitled “Techniques for Measuring Gas and Vapor Solubility and Transport in Membranes” which gave an overview of thermodynamic and kinetic (diffusion and permeation) gas and vapor sorption properties in membranes and related materials, as measured using Hiden Isochema’s gravimetric sorption and membrane permeation analyzers.
The meeting closed with a traditional Awards Session, then, after some closing words from the conference chairs, attendees were invited to an on-line social happy hour!
To find out more about how Hiden Isochema’s products are used to characterise membranes, please get in touch!