Hiden sponsoring EBA13 digital
Hiden Isochema is excited to be hosting a virtual booth at EBA13, the 13th Brazilian meeting on adsorption.
The Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption is held every two years by different institutions, with the main objective to bring together the scientific, academic and industrial communities in the Adsorption field of Brazil and abroad, seeking greater interaction between the R&D groups and international companies.
EBA13 will be fully digital and is expected to attract around 300 attendees. The program will comprise three main tracks: scientific, technical and educational. The technical-scientific contribution will be made by the presentation of studies by researchers in the area of adsorption, encouraging the dissemination of research, the discussion of ideas and match-making among researchers from different locations. The educational aspect of the event is also present, through the Adsorption School, an opportunity for participants to attend tutorial lectures given by renowned professors and researchers, focusing on fundamentals and applications of adsorption.
On December 2nd, Dr Darren Broom, Product Manager at Hiden Isochema will be presenting a lecture on ‘Measuring binary gas adsorption equilibria using the Integral Mass Balance (IMB) method’ – a new technique for measuring multicomponent gas adsorption by nanoporous materials. The talk will introduce the IMB method and demonstrate its use by presenting binary N2/O2 adsorption isotherms measured on a commercial 5A zeolite at ambient temperature and a total pressure of 0.915 MPa. Use of the technique for measuring other mixtures, under a range of conditions, will also be covered.
Further details of the IMB method can be found in the recently published paper, which can be downloaded here from the American Chemical Society (ACS) website.