Hiden Exhibit at ChemEngDayUK 2015
ChemEngDayUK 2015
ChemEngDayUK 2015, co-hosted by Sheffield University and IChemE, is to be held in Sheffield on the 8-9 April 2015.
The conference brings together researchers, academics and industry from around the UK to explore the latest technological advances and research in core areas of chemical engineering.
Its aim is to strengthen the interactions within the UK chemical engineering academic community, in particular, to enhance communication among researchers and practitioners from the UK working in the area of chemical engineering.
The two days offer a combination of distinguished plenary speakers, parallel technical sessions and poster sessions. New opportunities for collaborative research will be created and, in particular, industrialists will be able to establish new relationships with universities and other industries.
The 2015 Themes include:
- Water and Food Security
- Meeting the Sustainable Energy Demand
- Materials Innovation
- Biological Engineering
- Increased Manufacturing Value
- Chemical Engineering Education, Outreach and Training
Hiden Isochema instruments are used for a number of different applications in chemical engineering. Adsorption technology, for example, is widely used for gas separation and purification. The determination of the equilibrium and kinetic sorption properties of materials is required when developing adsorbents for new unit operations and processes, but also during process optimization.
Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) studies are also of interest for chemical engineers working with ionic liquids because information regarding the thermodynamics of their interaction with both gases and vapors is vital in many practical applications.
In each case, Hiden Isochema instruments can provide accurate data throughout a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Gas sorption can be determined using the IGA and IMI series, and our new XEMIS high-pressure microbalance, while a number of our products can also provide vapor sorption measurement, including the IGA-002, IGA-100 and the IGAsorp series.
Hiden Isochema is pleased to be able to sponsor ChemEngDayUK 2015 and will be exhibiting at the meeting, so join us there.
For more information and to register visit the conference website.