New article on IMB method for multicomponent adsorption
A new article on Hiden Isochema’s Integral Mass Balance (IMB) method has just been published in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
The article, co-authored by Dr Darren Broom and Dr Mike Benham, of Hiden Isochema, and Professor Orhan Talu of Cleveland State University in Ohio, USA, reports the details of this new approach to measuring multicomponent gas adsorption by nanoporous materials. Validation measurements were made using N2/O2 adsorption on a commercial 5A zeolite.
Traditional methods for measuring multicomponent adsorption are usually time-consuming and laborious, or they require large samples due to accuracy issues. The IMB method, however, offers fast and accurate multicomponent gas adsorption measurements on samples weighing only a few grams.
Further details can be found in the paper, which can be downloaded here from the American Chemical Society (ACS) website.