RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium
Hiden Isochema were pleased to continue our support of Royal Society of Chemistry Interest Groups, when we sponsored the RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CNN) Annual Symposium recently. The symposium is the CNN interest group’s annual flagship event, consisting of plenary lectures, invited talks and contributed presentations in both oral and poster formats. The group aim to provide a cross-disciplinary forum for nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to share recent advances, exchange ideas, discuss challenges and build networks.
This year’s symposium, held on 13-14 January 2025, was once again located within the RSC’s Burlington House facility on London’s Piccadilly, and delegates enjoyed a vibrant scientific programme including plenary, invited and contributed talks, and a lively poster session. Oral sessions were held in the first floor Library, with posters, refreshments, and an exhibition in the Science Room on the ground floor.
Dr Mark Roper represented Hiden Isochema at the symposium and presented an overview of our products at our exhibition stand. If you missed the event, or would like further information on any of our products or services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!