Biomaterials are materials intended for use in biological systems, and investigating their interaction with bioactive gases and water is critical.
Water sorption, for example, can affect the mechanical properties and degradability of polymeric implants, compromising both their function and biocompatibility. Likewise, investigating the effects of water interaction with other biomaterials is crucial when developing prosthetic and orthopedic implants. The dehydration and rehydration of contact lens materials such as silicone hydrogel is another example.
Gas and moisture sorption measurements, meanwhile, are also valuable more generally for the physicochemical characterization of biomaterials.
Both our IGAsorp and IGA-002 instruments can be used to study water sorption by biocompatible materials, while our XEMIS sorption microbalance can be used for measurements with a range of bioactive gases, including CO, NO and H2S.