Dr Darren Broom presents at AIChE 2019 meeting
Hiden Isochema product manager, Dr Darren Broom, delivered a very well received presentation at the AIChE Annual Meeting, held in Orlando, USA, last week. Our new IMB method for measuring binary gas sorption by nanoporous materials was presented for the first time and stimulated a lively discussion with the audience.
The work, co-authored with Professor Orhan Talu from Cleveland State University, USA, was entitled “A new technique to measure multicomponent adsorption equilibrium: Integral mass balance (IMB)”.
There is considerable interest in this topic because traditional methods for measuring multicomponent gas adsorption tend to be time-consuming and require large sample sizes. Our new approach, however, offers an automated and rapid way of measuring binary gas adsorption isotherms on samples weighing only a few grams. It combines an open system configuration with in-situ gravimetric measurement and gas composition analysis, using a quadrupole mass spectrometer, to determine accurate multipoint isotherms in a single experiment.
This novel approach is unique to Hiden Isochema’s IGA-003-MC gas sorption analyzer. For more information about this or any of Hiden Isochema’s products, please contact us.