Most read blog posts of 2018!
Wishing all our customers and collaborators, and new visitors to the website, a Happy New Year!
We are taking this opportunity to look back at our most read blog posts of 2018. If you missed them, now is your chance to catch up!
1, Launch of the new XEMIS models
2018 saw the launch of the four newly defined models, XEMIS-001, 002, 003 and 100, each with different functionality and capabilities and suitable for different application areas.
2, Characterizing adsorbents for gas separations
An article entitled “Characterizing adsorbents for gas separations” written by Hiden Isochema Product Manager Dr Darren Broom, was published back March 2018 in AIChE’s Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) magazine. The article covers the laboratory characterization of nanoporous adsorbents for gas separation applications such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and temperature swing adsorption (TSA).
3, New study reports first high pressure gas adsorption reference data for a NIST RM zeolite
A new study, published in the Springer Nature journal Adsorption, reports the first high pressure gas adsorption reference data for a NIST Reference Material™. Eleven laboratories, including Hiden Isochema, participated in the study of CO2 adsorption by RM 8852, a synthetic ammonium ZSM-5 zeolite, up to a pressure of 4.5 MPa at 20°C.
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