In the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Stylianou et al have reported on the investigation of the structural transformation of a Zn-based flexible
New study reports first high pressure gas adsorption reference data for a NIST RM zeolite
A new study, published in the Springer Nature journal Adsorption, reports the first high pressure gas adsorption reference data for a NIST Reference Material™.
Eleven laboratories, including Hiden Isochema, participated in the study of CO2 adsorption by RM 8852, a synthetic ammonium ZSM-5 zeolite, up to a pressure of 4.5 MPa at 20°C. Excellent agreement between the results from different laboratories was found, although resubmission of some of the reported isotherms was required, following an initial evaluation of the data. Both the reference material and the data will provide a valuable means for laboratories to test and validate high pressure adsorption equipment and measurements.
The study was coordinated by the Facility for Adsorbent Characterization and Testing (“FACT Lab”), which was established at the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), in conjunction with the US Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).
Full details can be found in the paper, which is now available Open Access on the SpringerLink website:
More information about the Hiden Isochema XEMIS gravimetric analyzer that we used in this study can be found our website or by contacting us.
H. G. T. Nguyen, L. Espinal, R. D. van Zee, M. Thommes, B. Toman, M. S. L. Hudson, E. Mangano, S. Brandani, D. P. Broom, M. J. Benham, K. Cychosz, P. Bertier, F. Yang, B. M. Krooss, R. L. Siegelman, M. Hakuman, K. Nakai, A. D. Ebner, L. Erden, J. A. Ritter, A. Moran, O. Talu, K. Huang, K. S. Walton, P. Billemont and G. De Weireld, Adsorption 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10450-018-9958-x