In the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Stylianou et al have reported on the investigation of the structural transformation of a Zn-based flexible
New JACS Article Features XEMIS Data
New JACS article published featuring XEMIS Data
An article featuring high pressure methane adsorption data measured for a MOF at multiple temperatures on a Hiden Isochema XEMIS sorption analyzer has just been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS).
The article is a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham in the UK, the ISIS and ILL neutron sources, and the Diamond and ESRF synchrotron radiation sources.
By combining neutron powder diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering experiments with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the team elucidates the mechanisms underlying the adsorption of H2 and CH4 in MFM-300(In), a hydroxyl-decorated metal-organic framework with a high volumetric gas storage capacity.
However, it is the inclusion of high-pressure methane adsorption isotherms measured on one of our XEMIS high-pressure microbalances that most excites us. Typical sample sizes of only 50 mg were used for the measurements, thus demonstrating the accuracy and precision of these instruments.
Download a copy of the paper: Observation of Binding and Rotation of Methane and Hydrogen within a Functional Metal–Organic Framework
Mathew Savage, Ivan da Silva, Mark Johnson, Joseph H. Carter, Ruth Newby, Mikhail Suyetin, Elena Besley, Pascal Manuel, Svemir Rudić, Andrew N. Fitch, Claire Murray, William I. F. David, Sihai Yang and Martin Schröder
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Article ASAP
Launched in late 2013, the Hiden Isochema XEMIS is a new type of high-pressure sorption microbalance, designed for high precision weighing in extreme environments. High-pressure gas sorption, vapor sorption and operation with corrosives are all possible.
For further information on any of our instruments, contact us now.