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Hiden Isochema product manager, Dr Darren Broom, delivered a very well received presentation at the recent AIChE Annual Meeting held in Orlando, USA.
The 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting “Transforming the Future through Chemical Engineering” will be held in Orlando, USA, from 10-15 November 2019.
The 3rd International Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers will be held in Paris, France from 27-30 October 2019.
Hiden Isochema was a proud sponsor of the 1st International Gas Adsorption Summer School (I-GASS), held in September on the Greek island of Spetses.
The autumn edition of the Analyzer newsletter is available to download now!
A recent article in the magazine Chemical Engineering features the new IGA-003-MC binary gas sorption analyzer and an interview with Dr Darren Broom.
Due to sustained expansion, Hiden Isochema are now recruiting for test & installation, service and production engineers.
Congratulations to Professor Mark Thomas who was presented his award at the recent ACS fall meeting 2019.
Hiden Isochema’s new IGA-003-MC gravimetric gas sorption analyzer has been designed to accurately determine binary gas sorption isotherms.
Hiden Isochema is pleased to be supporting the 1st International Gas Adsorption Summer School (I-GASS) which will be held from 9-14th September 2019.
The 4th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technology, will be held 8-11 September 2019 in Sitges, Spain.
39th Cement and Concrete Science Conference will be held at the University of Bath from 9-10 Sept 2019.
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